
140310 ZIP Code - Paraguay

The ZIP code 140310 belongs to 8 different locations in the district of Villa Curuguaty, departament of Canindeyú. In the table below you can check the name of the towns or neighborhoods that has the same ZIP code.

Department District Locality/Neighborhood Postal division ZIP Code Households Obs.
Canindeyú Villa Curuguaty Comunidad Indígena Fortuna 12 de Junio 10 140310 61
Canindeyú Villa Curuguaty Comunidad Indígena Fortuna - Centro 10 140310 48
Canindeyú Villa Curuguaty Comunidad Indígena Fortuna - Cordillera 10 140310 81
Canindeyú Villa Curuguaty Comunidad Indígena Fortuna Primavera 10 140310 74
Canindeyú Villa Curuguaty Comunidad Indígena Fortuna San Francisco 10 140310 30
Canindeyú Villa Curuguaty Comunidad Indígena Fortuna San Lorenzo 10 140310 72
Canindeyú Villa Curuguaty Comunidad Indígena Fortuna Yataity 10 140310 79
Canindeyú Villa Curuguaty Comunidad Indígena Fortuna Yukyry 10 140310 20

Postal zone Comunidad Indígena Fortuna 12 de Junio, Villa Curuguaty - Canindeyú

140310 ZIP Code - Paraguay

ZIP Code Villa Curuguaty

Check the list of Villa Curuguaty ZIP Code.

ZIP Code Canindeyú

Check the list of Canindeyú ZIP Code.