
031603 ZIP Code - Paraguay

The ZIP code 031603 belongs to 4 different locations in the district of San Bernardino, departament of Cordillera. In the table below you can check the name of the towns or neighborhoods that has the same ZIP code.

Department District Locality/Neighborhood Postal division ZIP Code Households Obs.
Cordillera San Bernardino Jardín 03 031603 176
Cordillera San Bernardino Santo Domingo 03 031603 32
Cordillera San Bernardino Villa Delfina 03 031603 93
Cordillera San Bernardino Yby Anguy Segunda 03 031603 474

Postal zone Jardín, San Bernardino - Cordillera

031603 ZIP Code - Paraguay

ZIP Code San Bernardino

Check the list of San Bernardino ZIP Code.

ZIP Code Cordillera

Check the list of Cordillera ZIP Code.