
ZIP Code 09024 | Guatemala

The ZIP Code 09024 belongs to the district Palestina de los Altos in the province of Quetzaltenango. Check out below the map to see what zone is included in this ZIP Code.

Attention! Not all locations in this municipality has the same ZIP code. There are 1 locations exceptions, that has different ZIP code.Excepciones: Aldea El Eden.

The postal zone 09024 has an area of 36.02 km2 and a perimeter of 27.79 km. This postal area is located between latitudes 14.9718 and 14.9002 and longitudes -91.7256 and -91.6394
ZIP Code 09024 | Guatemala

Postal Code Palestina de los Altos

The city Palestina de los Altos belongs to the canton Palestina de los Altos. For other districts, go back to Palestina de los Altos ZIP Code and find the corresponding district.

State Quetzaltenango

The canton Palestina de los Altos belongs to Quetzaltenango. Enter the specific page for Quetzaltenango ZIP Code to view all cantons of this province.