
Itapecerica ZIP Code in Salto/SP - Brasil

The neighborhood Itapecerica in the city of Salto/SP has different ZIP codes for each one of its 6 streets on this neighborhood. You should find the street, avenue, park, etc. in the table below to find the corresponding ZIP Code. Special attention with the complement that might exist for a street. Sometimes for the same street there is more than one ZIP code according to the number of the house/building.

ZIP Code Street Complement Neighborhood City/State
13328-301 Condomínio Fazenda Palmeiras Imperiais Itapecerica Salto/SP
ver todos Estrada Municipal - Itapecerica Salto/SP
13328-300 Rodovia do Açúcar Itapecerica Salto/SP
13328-306 Rua Imperador Júlio Cesar (Terras Romanas) Itapecerica Salto/SP
13328-307 Rua Imperador Marco Antônio (Terras Romanas) Itapecerica Salto/SP
13328-308 Rua Imperador Tibério (Terras Romanas) Itapecerica Salto/SP

Location of Itapecerica - Salto/SP - Brasil

ZIP Code São Paulo

Check the list of São Paulo ZIP Code.