
Loteamento Village das Palmeiras ZIP Code in Lorena/SP - Brasil

The neighborhood Loteamento Village das Palmeiras in the city of Lorena/SP has different ZIP codes for each one of its 9 streets on this neighborhood. You should find the street, avenue, park, etc. in the table below to find the corresponding ZIP Code. Special attention with the complement that might exist for a street. Sometimes for the same street there is more than one ZIP code according to the number of the house/building.

ZIP Code Street Complement Neighborhood City/State
12600-654 Rua Adelina de Azevedo Mendes Loteamento Village das Palmeiras Lorena/SP
12600-645 Rua Hélio Araújo Braga Loteamento Village das Palmeiras Lorena/SP
12600-639 Rua José Euzébio Filho Loteamento Village das Palmeiras Lorena/SP
12600-633 Rua Lea de Andrade Ribeiro Loteamento Village das Palmeiras Lorena/SP
12600-651 Rua Luiz Gonzaga Corrêa Sobrinho Loteamento Village das Palmeiras Lorena/SP
12600-636 Rua Pedro Alberto Cavalca Loteamento Village das Palmeiras Lorena/SP
12600-648 Rua Prefeito Carlos Eugênio Marcondes Loteamento Village das Palmeiras Lorena/SP
12600-642 Rua Tenente Elias Pinto dos Santos Loteamento Village das Palmeiras Lorena/SP
12600-630 Rua Vereador Milton Ballerini Loteamento Village das Palmeiras Lorena/SP

Location of Loteamento Village das Palmeiras - Lorena/SP - Brasil

ZIP Code São Paulo

Check the list of São Paulo ZIP Code.