
Vila Paulista ZIP Code in Catanduva/SP - Brasil

The neighborhood Vila Paulista in the city of Catanduva/SP has different ZIP codes for each one of its 12 streets on this neighborhood. You should find the street, avenue, park, etc. in the table below to find the corresponding ZIP Code. Special attention with the complement that might exist for a street. Sometimes for the same street there is more than one ZIP code according to the number of the house/building.

ZIP Code Street Complement Neighborhood City/State
15803-095 Avenida Miguel Stefano Vila Paulista Catanduva/SP
15803-161 Praça Diolfen Martani Vila Paulista Catanduva/SP
15803-100 Rua Alagoas - de 1602/1603 ao fim Vila Paulista Catanduva/SP
15803-105 Rua Araras Vila Paulista Catanduva/SP
15803-090 Rua Assis Vila Paulista Catanduva/SP
15803-115 Rua Caçapava Vila Paulista Catanduva/SP
15803-085 Rua Humaitá Vila Paulista Catanduva/SP
15803-120 Rua Lorena Vila Paulista Catanduva/SP
15803-108 Rua Pernambuco - de 1601/1602 a 1903/1904 Vila Paulista Catanduva/SP
15803-080 Rua Presidente Prudente Vila Paulista Catanduva/SP
15803-110 Rua São Vicente Vila Paulista Catanduva/SP
15803-160 Rua Sergipe - de 1698/1699 a 1889/1890 Vila Paulista Catanduva/SP

Location of Vila Paulista - Catanduva/SP - Brasil

ZIP Code São Paulo

Check the list of São Paulo ZIP Code.