
Campo Limpo Paulista/SP ZIP Code - Brasil

The city of Campo Limpo Paulista in the state of São Paulo is encoded by streets. This means that each street in this city has a unique postal code. As there may be more than one street with the same name in the city, it is important to first select the neighborhood. There are 91 neighborhoods in Campo Limpo Paulista. Search for the neighborhood in the list below to then find the street and, finally, the corresponding postal code.Although there are some specific ZIP codes for:Grande Usuário, Unidade Operacional. Listed at the end of this page.

Campo Limpo Paulista Neighborhoods

ZIP Code Grande Usuário

City/State Neighborhood Street Complement ZIP Code
Campo Limpo Paulista/SP Vila Thomazina Rua Borba Gato 156 13230-900
Campo Limpo Paulista/SP Núcleo Industrial - 3 Estrada Faustino Bizetto 200 13230-901
Campo Limpo Paulista/SP Núcleo Industrial - 3 Estrada Faustino Bizetto 300 13230-902
Campo Limpo Paulista/SP Núcleo Industrial - 3 Estrada Faustino Bizetto 500 13230-903
Campo Limpo Paulista/SP Jardim Europa Avenida Alfried Krupp 1050 13231-900
Campo Limpo Paulista/SP Jardim América Avenida Adherbal da Costa Moreira 255 13231-901
Campo Limpo Paulista/SP Jardim Marsola Rua Primeiro de Dezembro 456 13231-902
Campo Limpo Paulista/SP Parque Iramaia Avenida Integração 965 13233-900
Campo Limpo Paulista/SP Moinho Estrada Ipês do Moinho 100 13236-900

ZIP Code Unidade Operacional

City/State Neighborhood Street Complement ZIP Code
Campo Limpo Paulista/SP Centro Rua Francisco Miguel 140 13230-970
Campo Limpo Paulista/SP Vila Tavares Avenida Presidente Vargas 76 Fundos 13230-971
Campo Limpo Paulista/SP Centro Rua Francisco Miguel 140 13231-999
Campo Limpo Paulista/SP Vila Constança (Botujuru) Avenida Casa Branca, s/n 13238-970

Location of Campo Limpo Paulista, São Paulo - Brasil

ZIP Code São Paulo

Check the list of São Paulo ZIP Code.