The neighborhood Residencial Nobreville in the city of Araçatuba/SP has different ZIP codes for each one of its 13 streets on this neighborhood. You should find the street, avenue, park, etc. in the table below to find the corresponding ZIP Code. Special attention with the complement that might exist for a street. Sometimes for the same street there is more than one ZIP code according to the number of the house/building.
ZIP Code | Street | Complement | Neighborhood | City/State |
16023-315 | Rua Ana da Silva Nobre | Residencial Nobreville | Araçatuba/SP | |
16023-305 | Rua Antônio Alves Branco | Residencial Nobreville | Araçatuba/SP | |
16023-313 | Rua Antônio Barzaque Primo | - de 292/293 ao fim | Residencial Nobreville | Araçatuba/SP |
16023-310 | Rua Ariovaldo José de Palma | Residencial Nobreville | Araçatuba/SP | |
16023-300 | Rua Armando Ramos de Oliveira | Residencial Nobreville | Araçatuba/SP | |
16023-307 | Rua Doutor Francisco de Jesus Vallois | - de 1000/1001 ao fim | Residencial Nobreville | Araçatuba/SP |
16023-325 | Rua Doutor Joaquim Vilela | - de 382/383 a 580/581 | Residencial Nobreville | Araçatuba/SP |
16023-303 | Rua Euclydes de Pádua Mello | Residencial Nobreville | Araçatuba/SP | |
16023-320 | Rua Joaquim Fernandes de Souza Nobre | Residencial Nobreville | Araçatuba/SP | |
16023-323 | Rua Professor Doutor Antônio Eufrásio de Toledo | - de 512/513 a 700/701 | Residencial Nobreville | Araçatuba/SP |
16023-317 | Rua Projetada | Residencial Nobreville | Araçatuba/SP | |
16023-304 | Rua Rodamant Ferreira | - de 457/458 ao fim | Residencial Nobreville | Araçatuba/SP |
16023-318 | Rua Rotary Club | - de 917/918 ao fim | Residencial Nobreville | Araçatuba/SP |
Check the list of São Paulo ZIP Code.