
Jaraguá do Sul/SC ZIP Code - Brasil

The city of Jaraguá do Sul in the state of Santa Catarina is encoded by streets. This means that each street in this city has a unique postal code. As there may be more than one street with the same name in the city, it is important to first select the neighborhood. There are 40 neighborhoods in Jaraguá do Sul. Search for the neighborhood in the list below to then find the street and, finally, the corresponding postal code.Although there are some specific ZIP codes for:Grande Usuário, Unidade Operacional, Caixa Postal Comunitaria. Listed at the end of this page.

Jaraguá do Sul Neighborhoods

ZIP Code Grande Usuário

City/State Neighborhood Street Complement ZIP Code
Jaraguá do Sul/SC Centro Rua Presidente Epitácio Pessoa 1333 89251-900
Jaraguá do Sul/SC Centro Rua Rudolfo Hufenuessler 755 89251-901
Jaraguá do Sul/SC Vila Lalau Avenida Prefeito Waldemar Grubba 3000 89256-900
Jaraguá do Sul/SC Vila Lalau Rua Bernardo Dornbusch 1300 89256-901
Jaraguá do Sul/SC Barra do Rio Cerro Rua Bertha Weege 200 89260-900
Jaraguá do Sul/SC Núcleo Urbano Isolado Residencial Duquesa de Chartres Estrada Waldemar Gumz 7151 89266-900

ZIP Code Unidade Operacional

City/State Neighborhood Street Complement ZIP Code
Jaraguá do Sul/SC Centro Rua Padre Francken 13 89251-970
Jaraguá do Sul/SC Centro Rua Leopoldo Mahnke 92 89251-972
Jaraguá do Sul/SC Vila Lalau Rua Domingos Sanson 95 89256-971
Jaraguá do Sul/SC Barra do Rio Molha Rua Walter Marquardt 793 89259-971
Jaraguá do Sul/SC Santa Luzia Rua Carlos Frederico Ramthum 17182 89267-970

ZIP Code Caixa Postal Comunitaria

City/State Neighborhood Street Complement ZIP Code
Jaraguá do Sul/SC Estrada Rio da Luz, s/n 89260-994
Jaraguá do Sul/SC Rua Gustavo Gunz, 548 89260-995
Jaraguá do Sul/SC Estrada Garibaldi, s/n 89260-996
Jaraguá do Sul/SC Rua Domingos Anacleto Garcia, s/n 89266-990
Jaraguá do Sul/SC Rua Ribeirão Grande do Norte, 801 89266-991
Jaraguá do Sul/SC Rua Ermelina Trentina Menel, s/n 89266-992
Jaraguá do Sul/SC Estrada Vicente Bernardes, s/n 89269-990

Location of Jaraguá do Sul, Santa Catarina - Brasil

ZIP Code Santa Catarina

Check the list of Santa Catarina ZIP Code.