
Guabirotuba ZIP Code in Curitiba/PR - Brasil

The neighborhood Guabirotuba in the city of Curitiba/PR has different ZIP codes for each one of its 114 streets on this neighborhood. You should find the street, avenue, park, etc. in the table below to find the corresponding ZIP Code. Special attention with the complement that might exist for a street. Sometimes for the same street there is more than one ZIP code according to the number of the house/building.

ZIP Code Street Complement Neighborhood City/State
81520-000 Avenida Comendador Franco Guabirotuba Curitiba/PR
ver todos Avenida Senador Salgado Filho - Guabirotuba Curitiba/PR
81520-530 Jardinete Flausina Ribeiro de Loyola Guabirotuba Curitiba/PR
81510-505 Jardinete Mário Wilson Ribas Guabirotuba Curitiba/PR
81520-355 Jardinete Professor Artur Santos de Almeida Guabirotuba Curitiba/PR
81510-060 Praça Abílio de Abreu Guabirotuba Curitiba/PR
81520-585 Praça Arlene Maria Hansel Guabirotuba Curitiba/PR
81520-520 Praça Madre Isabel dos Anjos Guabirotuba Curitiba/PR
81520-615 Praça Miguel Pitaki Júnior Guabirotuba Curitiba/PR
81510-680 Rua Adão Pietnoska Guabirotuba Curitiba/PR
81510-530 Rua Afonso Theolindo Hennequim Guabirotuba Curitiba/PR
81510-240 Rua Alceu Ferreira Guabirotuba Curitiba/PR
81520-230 Rua Alcides Terézio de Carvalho Guabirotuba Curitiba/PR
81510-080 Rua Almeida Júnior Guabirotuba Curitiba/PR
81510-640 Rua Alvorada Guabirotuba Curitiba/PR
81510-440 Rua Amado Henrique Pereira Guabirotuba Curitiba/PR
81510-230 Rua Antônio Chalbaud Biscaia Guabirotuba Curitiba/PR
81510-050 Rua Araújo Porto Alegre Guabirotuba Curitiba/PR
81510-620 Rua Arlindo Araújo Sobrinho Guabirotuba Curitiba/PR
81510-110 Rua Armando Sales de Oliveira Guabirotuba Curitiba/PR
81510-420 Rua Augusto Renoir Guabirotuba Curitiba/PR
81520-340 Rua Bela Vista Guabirotuba Curitiba/PR
81510-210 Rua Canal Belém Guabirotuba Curitiba/PR
81510-360 Rua Cândido Portinari Guabirotuba Curitiba/PR
81510-350 Rua Capitão João Ribas de Oliveira Guabirotuba Curitiba/PR
81510-160 Rua Cruz e Souza Guabirotuba Curitiba/PR
81520-590 Rua da Capitania Guabirotuba Curitiba/PR
81520-560 Rua da Fazenda Guabirotuba Curitiba/PR
81520-460 Rua da Fundição Guabirotuba Curitiba/PR
81520-550 Rua da Invernada Guabirotuba Curitiba/PR
81520-360 Rua da Quintagem Guabirotuba Curitiba/PR
81520-600 Rua da Sesmaria Guabirotuba Curitiba/PR
81520-390 Rua das Bateias Guabirotuba Curitiba/PR
81520-370 Rua das Tropas Guabirotuba Curitiba/PR
81520-400 Rua de Itu Guabirotuba Curitiba/PR
81510-020 Rua de Rondônia Guabirotuba Curitiba/PR
81510-090 Rua Deputado Leoberto Leal Guabirotuba Curitiba/PR
81510-540 Rua Dionizio Baglioli Guabirotuba Curitiba/PR
81520-580 Rua do Chimarrão Guabirotuba Curitiba/PR
81520-570 Rua do Ervateiro Guabirotuba Curitiba/PR
81520-450 Rua do Fogo Guabirotuba Curitiba/PR
81520-440 Rua do Garimpo Guabirotuba Curitiba/PR
81520-540 Rua do Minerador Guabirotuba Curitiba/PR
81520-350 Rua do Ouro Guabirotuba Curitiba/PR
81520-380 Rua do Viamão Guabirotuba Curitiba/PR
81510-170 Rua Dona Ana Neri Guabirotuba Curitiba/PR
81520-610 Rua dos Bandeirantes Guabirotuba Curitiba/PR
81510-180 Rua dos Jesuítas Guabirotuba Curitiba/PR
81520-260 Rua Doutor Alcides Vieira Arcoverde Guabirotuba Curitiba/PR
81510-500 Rua Doutor Djalma Ferreira Lopes Guabirotuba Curitiba/PR
81520-280 Rua Doutor Joaquim I. Silveira da Motta Guabirotuba Curitiba/PR
81510-280 Rua Edgard Degas Guabirotuba Curitiba/PR
81520-510 Rua Engenheiro José de Freitas Saldanha Guabirotuba Curitiba/PR
81510-130 Rua Engenheiro Teodoro Sampaio Guabirotuba Curitiba/PR
81520-490 Rua Ferdinando Ferreira Guabirotuba Curitiba/PR
81510-330 Rua Frá Angélico Guabirotuba Curitiba/PR
81520-630 Rua Francisco Bettinardi Guabirotuba Curitiba/PR
81510-190 Rua Francisco Braga Guabirotuba Curitiba/PR
81510-590 Rua Gabriel Vicente dos Santos Guabirotuba Curitiba/PR
81510-040 Rua Governador Jorge Lacerda Guabirotuba Curitiba/PR
81520-240 Rua Henrique Dias Guabirotuba Curitiba/PR
81510-450 Rua Hermógenes de Oliveira Guabirotuba Curitiba/PR
81520-470 Rua Hipólito Rodrigues da Rocha Guabirotuba Curitiba/PR
81520-330 Rua Itamarati Guabirotuba Curitiba/PR
81510-270 Rua Jacopo Tintoretto Guabirotuba Curitiba/PR
81510-320 Rua Jean Baptista Debret Guabirotuba Curitiba/PR
81520-290 Rua João Carlos de Souza Castro Guabirotuba Curitiba/PR
81520-270 Rua João Carlos Figueiredo Guabirotuba Curitiba/PR
81510-150 Rua João Ferreira Leite Guabirotuba Curitiba/PR
81510-490 Rua João Karam Guabirotuba Curitiba/PR
81520-480 Rua Joaquim Mariano Ribas Guabirotuba Curitiba/PR
81510-430 Rua José Gianinni Pancetti Guabirotuba Curitiba/PR
81510-630 Rua José Rietmeyer Guabirotuba Curitiba/PR
81510-390 Rua Leonardo da Vinci Guabirotuba Curitiba/PR
81510-010 Rua Lindolfo Collor Guabirotuba Curitiba/PR
81510-670 Rua Lourival Pinheiro Guabirotuba Curitiba/PR
81510-380 Rua Lourival Schilipak Guabirotuba Curitiba/PR
81510-400 Rua Luiz de Freitas Guabirotuba Curitiba/PR
81510-340 Rua Luiz Guimarães Júnior Guabirotuba Curitiba/PR
81510-290 Rua Madre Maria Lúcia Guabirotuba Curitiba/PR
81520-310 Rua Marabas Guabirotuba Curitiba/PR
81510-250 Rua Maria Carlota de Abreu Hansen Guabirotuba Curitiba/PR
81520-500 Rua Marins Tavares de Andrade Guabirotuba Curitiba/PR
81510-410 Rua Miguel Bakum Guabirotuba Curitiba/PR
81520-620 Rua Ministro Gabriel Passos Guabirotuba Curitiba/PR
81510-300 Rua Moyses de Oliveira Guabirotuba Curitiba/PR
81510-580 Rua Moyses Martins Guabirotuba Curitiba/PR
81510-470 Rua Mustapha Kaiel Guabirotuba Curitiba/PR
81510-220 Rua Oliveira Guabirotuba Curitiba/PR
81510-100 Rua Padre Oswaldo Gomes Guabirotuba Curitiba/PR
81510-200 Rua Padre Vieira Guabirotuba Curitiba/PR
81510-260 Rua Paul Cezanne Guabirotuba Curitiba/PR
81530-550 Rua Pedro Bindo Guabirotuba Curitiba/PR
81520-300 Rua Pedro Rissetti Guabirotuba Curitiba/PR
81510-030 Rua Plácido de Castro Guabirotuba Curitiba/PR
81510-510 Rua Professora Maria Salles Godoy Guabirotuba Curitiba/PR
81520-640 Rua Raul Ferreira Leite Guabirotuba Curitiba/PR
81510-370 Rua Renato Baroni Guabirotuba Curitiba/PR
81510-560 Rua Roberto Lobo Guabirotuba Curitiba/PR
81510-140 Rua Roberto Simonsen Guabirotuba Curitiba/PR
81510-660 Rua Romeu Branco Quadros Guabirotuba Curitiba/PR
81510-460 Rua Rúbens Cardoso de Brito Guabirotuba Curitiba/PR
81520-250 Rua Santo Inácio de Loyola Guabirotuba Curitiba/PR
81510-550 Rua São Roque Guabirotuba Curitiba/PR
81510-600 Rua Sebastião Rodrigues dos Santos Guabirotuba Curitiba/PR
81510-070 Rua Senador Nereu Ramos Guabirotuba Curitiba/PR
81510-120 Rua Silveira Martins Guabirotuba Curitiba/PR
81510-480 Rua Valentim Bokowski Guabirotuba Curitiba/PR
81510-570 Rua Walter Rodolfo Behling Guabirotuba Curitiba/PR
81520-410 Travessa da Porteira Guabirotuba Curitiba/PR
81520-420 Travessa da Ronda Guabirotuba Curitiba/PR
81520-430 Travessa da Sorocaba Guabirotuba Curitiba/PR
81510-310 Travessa Edgar Souza Guabirotuba Curitiba/PR
81520-320 Travessa Virgílio Gomes Pinheiro Guabirotuba Curitiba/PR

Location of Guabirotuba - Curitiba/PR - Brasil

ZIP Code Paraná

Check the list of Paraná ZIP Code.