
Aracruz/ES ZIP Code - Brasil

The city of Aracruz in the state of Espírito Santo is encoded by streets. This means that each street in this city has a unique postal code. As there may be more than one street with the same name in the city, it is important to first select the neighborhood. There are 47 neighborhoods in Aracruz. Search for the neighborhood in the list below to then find the street and, finally, the corresponding postal code.Although there are some specific ZIP codes for:Localidade, Grande Usuário, Unidade Operacional, Caixa Postal Comunitaria. Listed at the end of this page.

Aracruz Neighborhoods

ZIP Code Localidade

City/State Neighborhood Street Complement ZIP Code

ZIP Code Grande Usuário

City/State Neighborhood Street Complement ZIP Code
Aracruz/ES Centro Rua José Alves da Costa 56 29190-920
Aracruz/ES Jardins Rua Flor do Estudante 213 29190-935
Aracruz/ES Guaraná Avenida Gabriel Pandolf 200 29195-900
Aracruz/ES Guaraná Rodovia Governador Mário Covas 100 29195-915
Aracruz/ES Barra do Riacho Estrada Antônio Roza de Jesus Km 25 29197-900
Aracruz/ES Vila Rica Rua Professor Berilo Basílio dos Santos 180 29194-910

ZIP Code Unidade Operacional

City/State Neighborhood Street Complement ZIP Code
Aracruz/ES Centro Rua Quintino Loureiro 465 29190-970
Aracruz/ES Bela Vista Avenida Presidente Castelo Branco 246 29190-971
Aracruz/ES Santa Cruz Estrada Santa Rosa-Santa Cruz, s/n 29190-973
Aracruz/ES Guaraná Avenida Gabriel Pandolf 335 29195-970
Aracruz/ES Jacupemba Rua Pedro Souza 250 29196-970
Aracruz/ES Barra do Riacho Estrada Antônio Roza de Jesus Km 25 29197-970
Aracruz/ES Barra do Riacho Rua Patriarca Albino Azeredo 60 29197-971
Aracruz/ES Vila do Riacho Rua São Benedito 391 29197-972
Aracruz/ES Barra do Sahy Rua Brasiliano Pereira, s/n 29198-970
Aracruz/ES Coqueiral Rua Avencas 22 29199-970
Aracruz/ES Santa Cruz Rua 16 de Dezembro 100 29199-971

ZIP Code Caixa Postal Comunitaria

Location of Aracruz, Espírito Santo - Brasil

ZIP Code Espírito Santo

Check the list of Espírito Santo ZIP Code.