
ZIP Code Rua 1 in Jequié/BA

Rua 1 located in the neighborhood of Kennedy in Jequié/BA city has 10 different ZIP codes. You should have special attention with the complement that might exist for a street. Sometimes for the same street there is more than one ZIP code according to the number of the house/building.

ZIP Code Street Complement Neighborhood City/State
45201-539 Rua 1 (Lot Vl Aparecida) Kennedy Jequié/BA
45206-801 Rua 1 (Ch B Mata) Água Branca Jequié/BA
45207-323 Rua 1 (Lot Jd Eldorado) Vila Rodoviária Jequié/BA
45207-401 Rua 1 (Lot Vl Rodoviária) Vila Rodoviária Jequié/BA
45207-440 Rua 1 (Lot A Branca II) Vila Rodoviária Jequié/BA
45208-381 Rua 1 (Hágata) Jequiezinho Jequié/BA
45208-461 Rua 1 (Lot Vl Aeroporto) Jequiezinho Jequié/BA
45208-495 Rua 1 (Urbis I) Jequiezinho Jequié/BA
45209-144 Rua 1 (Cachoeirinha III e IV) Tropical Jequié/BA
45210-474 Rua 1 (Zimbrune) Itaigara Jequié/BA

ZIP Code Grande Usuário

ZIP Code Street Complement Neighborhood City/State
45203-901 Rua 15 de Novembro, s/n Campo do América Jequié/BA

Location of Kennedy - Jequié/BA - Brasil

ZIP Code Bahia

Check the list of Bahia ZIP Code.