
Rio Branco/AC ZIP Code - Brasil

The city of Rio Branco in the state of Acre is encoded by streets. This means that each street in this city has a unique postal code. As there may be more than one street with the same name in the city, it is important to first select the neighborhood. There are 162 neighborhoods in Rio Branco. Search for the neighborhood in the list below to then find the street and, finally, the corresponding postal code.Although there are some specific ZIP codes for:Grande Usuário, Unidade Operacional, Caixa Postal Comunitaria. Listed at the end of this page.

Rio Branco Neighborhoods

ZIP Code Grande Usuário

City/State Neighborhood Street Complement ZIP Code
Rio Branco/AC Centro Avenida Getúlio Vargas 232 69900-900
Rio Branco/AC Centro Rua Rui Barbosa 285 69900-901
Rio Branco/AC Centro Avenida Brasil 378 69900-902
Rio Branco/AC Centro Rua Marechal Deodoro 340 69900-903
Rio Branco/AC Centro Rua Arlindo Porto Leal 241 69900-904
Rio Branco/AC Floresta Sul Estrada da Floresta 2320 69912-900
Rio Branco/AC Jardim Europa Alameda Alemanha 200 69915-901
Rio Branco/AC Distrito Industrial Rodovia BR-364 6000 69920-900
Rio Branco/AC Vila Aeroporto Avenida Plácido de Castro 69923-900
Rio Branco/AC Praia do Amapá Via Verde 69906-900

ZIP Code Unidade Operacional

City/State Neighborhood Street Complement ZIP Code
Rio Branco/AC Centro Avenida Epaminondas Jácome 2858 69900-970
Rio Branco/AC Base Rua Floriano Peixoto 411 69900-971
Rio Branco/AC Bosque Rua Isaura Parente 167 69900-972
Rio Branco/AC 7º BEC Avenida Ceará 3607 69900-973
Rio Branco/AC Centro Rua Quintino Bocaiúva 299 69900-974
Rio Branco/AC Praia do Amapá Via Verde 2434 69905-970
Rio Branco/AC Aeroporto Velho Estrada da Sobral 564 69911-970
Rio Branco/AC Estação Experimental Avenida Nações Unidas 2800 69918-970
Rio Branco/AC Distrito Industrial Rodovia BR-364 6000 69920-970
Rio Branco/AC Praia do Amapá Via Verde 2434 69906-970

ZIP Code Caixa Postal Comunitaria

City/State Neighborhood Street Complement ZIP Code
Rio Branco/AC Ramal Benfica, s/n 69902-992

Location of Rio Branco, Acre - Brasil

ZIP Code Acre

Check the list of Acre ZIP Code.