
Chongqing ZIP Code - China

The Direct Administered Municipality (直辖市 zhíxiáshì) in Chongqing China has 44 different locations. You should enter the specific area to verify the assigned postal code.

Cities and Districts of Chongqing

ZIP Code District Type Province
401300 Ba County (县 xiàn) Chongqing
401320 Ba'nan District (市辖区 shìxiáqū) Chongqing
400700 Beibei District (市辖区 shìxiáqū) Chongqing
402700 Bishan Chongqing
401220 Changshou District (市辖区 shìxiáqū) Chongqing
405900 Chengkou County (县 xiàn) Chongqing
400000 Chongqing City Chongqing
400000 Dadukou District (市辖区 shìxiáqū) Chongqing
402360 Dazu County (县 xiàn) Chongqing
408300 Dianjiang County (县 xiàn) Chongqing
408200 Fengdu County (县 xiàn) Chongqing
404600 Fengjie County (县 xiàn) Chongqing
408000 Fuling District (市辖区 shìxiáqū) Chongqing
401520 Hechuan County-level City (县级市 xiànjíshì) Chongqing
400000 Jiangbei District (市辖区 shìxiáqū) Chongqing
402260 Jiangjin County-level City (县级市 xiànjíshì) Chongqing
400000 Jiulongpo District (市辖区 shìxiáqū) Chongqing
405400 Kai County (县 xiàn) Chongqing
405200 Liangping County (县 xiàn) Chongqing
400000 Nan'an District (市辖区 shìxiáqū) Chongqing
408400 Nanchuan County-level City (县级市 xiànjíshì) Chongqing
400800 Nantong Chongqing
409600 Pengshui the Miao & Tujia Nationality Autonomous County (自治县 zìzhìxiàn) Chongqing
409000 Qianjiang District (市辖区 shìxiáqū) Chongqing
401420 Qijiang County (县 xiàn) Chongqing
402460 Rongchang County (县 xiàn) Chongqing
400000 Shapingba District (市辖区 shìxiáqū) Chongqing
409100 Shizhu the Tujia Autonomous County (自治县 zìzhìxiàn) Chongqing
400900 Shuangqiao District (市辖区 shìxiáqū) Chongqing
402560 Tongliang County (县 xiàn) Chongqing
402660 Tongnan County (县 xiàn) Chongqing
404000 Wan County (县 xiàn) Chongqing
400800 Wansheng District (市辖区 shìxiáqū) Chongqing
404100 Wanzhou District (市辖区 shìxiáqū) Chongqing
408500 Wulong County (县 xiàn) Chongqing
404700 Wushan County (县 xiàn) Chongqing
405800 Wuxi County (县 xiàn) Chongqing
409900 Xiushan the Tujia & Miao Nationality Autonomous County (自治县 zìzhìxiàn) Chongqing
402160 Yongchuan County-level City (县级市 xiànjíshì) Chongqing
409800 Youyang the Tujia & Miao Nationality Autonomous County (自治县 zìzhìxiàn) Chongqing
401120 Yubei District (市辖区 shìxiáqū) Chongqing
404500 Yunyang County (县 xiàn) Chongqing
400000 Yuzhong District (市辖区 shìxiáqū) Chongqing
404300 Zhong County (县 xiàn) Chongqing

Location of the Chongqing Direct Administered Municipality

Phone Area Code of Chongqing

There are 168 ZIP codes in Valle del Cauca. There is no Postal Code for all the state. You should navigate to a city (o locality), then for its neighboorhoods to find out the postal code associated with your address. A good way is to use the ¿What is my ZIP Code? tool, that locates the address you are at the moment and based on this geolocation, will show you your ZIP Code Area in Valle del Cauca.

Phone Area Code of Chongqing

To make a phone a call to China, you should dial +86 (international phone code of China) and the area code of Chongqing is 023.

China ZIP Code

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